“March toward Brightness” Summary & Commendation Meeting Was Held In Hohhot

DATA:2017-10-09  Views:115

2017-09-19 Lao Niu Foundation

On the afternoon of September 15th, the Summary & Commendation Meeting of Inner Mongolia “March toward Brightness” Social Activity for Public Good was held in Hohhot. Wang Lixia, the member of the standing committee of the CPC central committee and director of United Front Work Department of Inner Mongolia autonomous region, presided over the meeting. Liu Xinle, Vice President of the Autonomous Region and President of the Red Cross Society, reported the progress of “March toward Brightness” Social Activity for Public Good; Bao Zhenyu, Secretary General of the Autonomous Region’s Government, read out the commendation decision, and spoke separately on behalf of the advanced collectives and the advanced individual deputies; and Bu Xiaolin, deputy secretary of the Autonomous Region’s party committee, chairman of the Autonomous Region and President of Chinese Honored Enterprise Promotion Agency in Inner Mongolia, delivered an important speech. As the sponsor and initiator’s representative of “March toward Brightness” social activity for public good in the Region, An Yaqiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Foundation was invited to attend the meeting; together with the members of the organizing committee of “March toward Brightness” public welfare activity, he participated in the live broadcast of news special program "Love in the March toward Brightness" of Inner Mongolia Radio and Television Station. 

Initiated and sponsored by Lao Niu Foundation and The Red Cross, Chinese Honored Enterprise Promotion Agency and the Foundation for Poverty Alleviation of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, the “March toward Brightness” social activity for public good of Inner Mongolia has lasted for 23 months, and covered 12 league cities, 103 counties, 842 towns (sub-district offices) and 6,223 villages (communities), established 2,025 medical screening points. The medical team traveled 416,500 kilometers, screened 339,304 patients with eye disease in the Region, and carried out rehabilitation surgery for 15,015 poor patients with poor cataracts. 


Chairman Bu Xiaolin attended the meeting and delivered an important speech


An Yaqiang, Deputy Secretary General of the Foundation attended the meeting

The Project of Treatment of Poor Cataract Patients

The Project of Treatment of Poor Cataract Patients has always been one of the targeted poverty alleviation projects in the disaster relief of Lao Niu Foundation. 

The Foundation carried out “March toward Brightness” project by working with other forces to integrate the forces of all parties to leverage social resources to cope with the high incidence disease of cataract and maximize the value of charitable causes, effectively address the immediate needs of poor cataract patients and help them to recover their sight. 

In 2016, the project won the Collective Special Award of the Sixth "The People Who Moved Inner Mongolia", and was awarded the "Only Special Contribution Award" in Asia by the Asian Foundation for the Prevention of Blindness.


The TNC Side Meeting of the Thirteenth Conference of the Parties to U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification Will Be Held Successfully

Original 2017-09-15 TNC Marketing Department of the Nature Conservancy TNC 

Clink [The Nature Conservancy TNC] to follow us quickly


Photographer: ©TNC (Devan King)

On the morning of September 14th, the "Nature Based Sustainable Land Management Solutions for Climate Change", sponsored by the Nature Conservancy (TNC), was held successfully. The experts and representatives from Lao Niu Foundation (LNF), Inner Mongolia Hesheng Ecological Afforestation Co. Ltd., TNC Global Agricultural Projects, the TNC Mongolian Project and TNC Project China, shared the excellent cases of their work areas at the side meeting. 


Mr. Zhao Quansheng, Chairman and President of Mengshu Ecological, spoke at the side meeting

Photographer: ©TNC (Shan Liang)

Mr. Zhao Quansheng, Chairman and President of Inner Mongolia Hesheng Ecological Afforestation Co. Ltd. and Mengshu Ecological first shared the article entitled Mengshu Building Sustainable Development Model of Desertification Control, and he mentioned: 

In the process of exploring ways to combat desertification, Mengshu achieves the goal of ecological restoration and desertification control by using the local tree species and provenance, the vegetation restoration method of matching species with the site and the adaptive management based on scientific monitoring. It organically combines ecological benefits with economic benefits, and uses economic levers to guide community residents to voluntarily carry out afforestation, grass planting and management while promoting the increase of local residents' income, so as to truly realize the close integration of ecological environment construction and regional economic prosperity, and realize the sustainable development of desertification control. 


Michael Doane, Chief Director of TNC Global Agricultural Project, spoke at the side meeting

Photographer: TNC (Hu Yang)

Michael Doane, Chief Director of TNC Global Agricultural Project, said in his speech:

Healthy soil is the foundation of life, which is related to various aspects, such as biodiversity, food production, water security, and carbon storage. But there is no denying the fact that healthy soil is becoming scarcer. Data show that the content of soil organic matter has declined rapidly over the past 100 years, especially in cultivated soil. Meanwhile, he also shared the TNC global agricultural project strategy: reducing land use change in habitats, and restoring degraded farmland and water security. 

To protect key lands and mitigate and adapt to climate change, TNC has teamed up with multiple forces to explore and implement a series of sustainable land management (SLM) solutions worldwide. TNC and partners hope to use this side to share their natural SLM climate change response program to all parties. TNC and partners hope to share their nature-based SLM climate change response program to all parties at this side meeting. 



Enkhtuya Oidov, Chief Representative of TNC Mongolia Project, spoke at the side meeting

Photographer: TNC (Hu Yang)

Enkhtuya, Chief Representative of TNC Mongolia Project, said:

Most of Mongolia is grassland and about 30 percent people in Mongolia are herdsmen. They are very dependent on the grassland, and in turn, the grassland protection also need their participation and input very much. TNC Mongolia Project is developed with community-based protection as a strategy. For example, TNC has trained local herdsmen to enhance the land management capacity of local communities, thus obtaining better land protection effect and improving the well-being of the community. 


An Yaqiang, Deputy Secretary General of Lao Niu Foundation, spoke at the side meeting

Photographer: ©TNC (Hu Yang)

Lao Niu Foundation (LNF) is one of the long-term partners of China TNC. In the Coexistence of man and nature - practice in Inner Mongolia he shared, Mr. An Yaqiang, Deputy Secretary General of LNF, said: 

Inner Mongolia is facing severe challenges because of climate change. It can improve the local ecological environment through climate adaptation, vegetation restoration, development of green industry and water resources management. In the “Shengle International Ecological Demonstration Area Project”, Lao Niu Foundation and its partners, such as Inner Mongolia Forestry Department, jointly planted 3 million trees on the nearly 2,600 hectares land, which can fix about 220,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and generate 320 million Yuan of economic value. Now, all kinds of species have increased markedly, the local microclimate has improved markedly, and the multiple benefits have been obvious.


Zeng Nan, Associate Officer of China TNC Inner Mongolia Project, spoke at the side meeting

Photographer: ©TNC (Hu Yang)


Zeng Nan, Associate Officer of China TNC Inner Mongolia Project, said in his share:

Through practice, the TNC Inner Mongolia project team summed up a series of "natural based" sustainable land management programs which fit Inner Mongolia’s local condition, such as gully management, forest farming, shrub management, rainfed agriculture and sustainable grazing management, to combat climate change. Meanwhile, it has also carried out scientific monitoring and community skills training and implemented comprehensive policies, and has achieved good results. 

Over the past thirty years, the underground water level of Helingeer Shengle Development Area dropped by at least 40 m, and more than 80% of water consumption in the area is from agricultural irrigation. The ecological dry farming (rain-raising agriculture) conducted by China's TNC in this experiment has achieved good results. It not only ensures the high and stable yield of grain, but improves the adaptability of climate change. Now it has been popularized and applied by the local government. 


Photographer: Nick Hall

Man and nature are eternal themes. In the process of exploration for sustainable land management, both the TNC staff, and the personnel of other organizations who have common goals, agree that to give local farmers' rights and help them to participate in the utilization and decision-making of nature is an important aspect of realizing sustainable land management. As Lin Kuocheng, a TNC project officer based in Inner Mongolia for a long time said, “Although we are seeing the degradation of grassland and destruction of vegetation, the extent to which farmers and herders cherish and love the grassland may be unimaginable.” 

After the TNC side meeting ended, the guests took a group photo 

Photographer: ©TNC

媒体报道|老牛冬奥碳汇林项目在河北卫视播出 建设首都生态环境支撑区

Media Report | "Lao Niu •Winter Olympics Carbon Sink Forest Project Was Broadcasted at Hebei Satellite TV: Build the Ecological Environment Supporting Area of the Capital

2017-09-14 Lao Niu Foundation 

On September 4th, the results of ecological construction in Zhangjiakou were broadcasted in Hebei Satellite TV News, which contain afforestation, wetland protection, and the optimization of the urban environment. The improvement of the ecological environment has attracted a large number of investors to settle in Zhangjiakou. The "Lao Niu •Winter Olympics Carbon Sink Forest" Project, jointly launched by State Bureau of Forestry, China Green Carbon Sequestration Foundation, Lao Niu Foundation, Hebei Forestry Department, and Zhangjiakou Municipal People's Government, will become an important part to promote the sandstorm source control of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and construct the ecological environment support zone of the capital.


The Inaugural Meeting & the First Member Congress of Inner Mongolia Credit Promotion Association

2017-09-12 Lao Niu Foundation

On September 9th, 2017, The Inaugural Meeting & the First Member Congress of Inner Mongolia Credit Promotion Association was held in Hohhot. 

As a member, the Foundation assigned Jia Lei, Director of the Secretariat, and Wang Ruilei, senior Communications Manager to witness the foundation of Inner Mongolia Credit Promotion Association together with the representatives of 13 vice president units, 11 director units, and 30 member units. 

Approved and registered by Social Group Registration authority of Civil Affairs Department of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Credit Promotion Association of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a nonprofit social group which is under the charge of Inner Mongolia Development and Reform Commission, voluntarily participated by trade associations, financial institutions, credit service institutions, industrial and commercial enterprises, as well as other units, organizations and individuals, and jointly promote the construction of the social credit system in the region. 

Based on the role positioning as “advisor, support and service”, Inner Mongolia Credit Promotion Association fully participates in and promotes the construction of the social credit system in Inner Mongolia. To promote the construction of government affairs integrity, business integrity, social integrity and judicial public credit of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, it builds a social environment of joint encouragement for trust protection and punishment for breach of trust, upholds the legitimate rights and interests of honest members and enterprises, carries forward the moral concept of honesty and trustworthiness, unites the forces aspiring to engage in the construction of credible society from various fields, and works hard to build “Credible Inner Mongolia”.


The 33rd Teacher's Day: Salute the Rural Teachers

2017-09-09 Lao Niu Foundation  Lao Niu Foundation  

The 33rd Teacher's Day has come. This year is also the second year that the Foundation works together with Beijing Yongyuan Public Welfare Foundation to jointly develop Lao Niu •Love-flying Rural Teachers Training” Program in order to promote the development of rural education in China. 

Here the foundation sincerely wishes the rural teachers who have been teaching at the grass-roots level Happy Teacher's Day!

Mainly aimed at rural teachers of the national-level poverty-stricken county in Inner Mongolia autonomous region and other regions, Lao Niu •Love-flying Rural Teachers Training Program plans to train rural teachers within three years by the activities, such as targeted courses and observation and communication of model schools with excellent educational concepts, so as to help broaden the vision of rural teachers, update education concept, improve the driving force and ability of rural teachers' self-learning, thus reducing the education gap between urban and rural areas. It hopes to influence a rural school by changing a rural teacher and eventually realize the dream of a group of rural children. 

Over the past two years, 286 rural teachers from Inner Mongolia, Sichuan and other places have received the training. The training results have directly or indirectly benefited more than 1,000 teachers in the same school district, and influenced about 10,000 students in rural areas. 


Phase I training

On August 5th, 2017, Lao Niu •Love-flying Rural Teachers Training Program (Phase II) was officially opened at Beijing 101 High School Auditorium. 136 rural teachers from Inner Mongolia, Hubei, Zhejiang and Sichuan gathered in Beijing and participated in a ten-day study tour training. 

A large number of guests, including Tang Ming, Counselor of the State Council and the Vice President of Youchange China Social Entrepreneur Foundation, Cui Yongyuan, Love-flying Project Sponsor and Director of Beijing Yongyuan Public Welfare Foundation, Secretary-general Li Guowu, Lei Yongsheng, Executive Director and Secretary General of Lao Niu Foundation, and Kang Jian, Professor of Education School of Peking University, one of the earliest experts in the curriculum reform unit of the Ministry of education of China, director of the China Rural Education Research Center of Yunnan University, and chief education officer of Teacher for China, attend this activity and offer blessings and expectations to the rural teachers trained in this period. 


Lei Yongsheng, Executive Director and Secretary General of Lao Niu Foundation, did the theme sharing at the class opening ceremony

This training pays more attention to the cooperation with the local education bureau. On the basis of studying rural education needs and by way of study tour, it aims to broaden the vision of rural teachers, train the leadership of rural teachers, improve the self-driving force of rural education, and explore diversified education according to local conditions.


Rural teachers visit Lao Niu Children Discovery Museum at The China National Children's Center


Course training site


School observation and communication

Teacher Yin Ruihong from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia said, “For the rural teachers, especially the front-line teachers, the education of the left behind children is a big issue. Without their parents not around them, we are their parents, and we have a great responsibility for them”. 


The phase-2 training teachers will receive a certificate of completion

Like teacher Yin Ruihong, some rural teachers come from mountains, and some from the prairies…They are rooted in the grassroots of the motherland, imparting knowledge to the children in the poor areas, to support the education of left-behind children. 

Once again, I salute the rural teachers who have been teaching at the grass-roots level!


The Saying of Masters: The Past One Year since the Implementation of Charity Law

2017-09-02 Lao Niu Foundation  

Niu Gensheng, Founder and Honorary President of Lao Niu Foundation, and Lei Yongsheng, Executive Director and Secretary General of Lao Niu Foundation were invited by China Charity Alliance to participate in “The Saying of Masters: The Past One Year since the Implementation of Charity Law”. Together with dozens of industry leaders, they jointly interpret the changes and influences that the Charity Law has brought to the industry and society over the past year, and contribute ideas and exert efforts for the future development of philanthropy. 


The above is the screenshot of some media coverage

The following is the original text of the media:

On September 1st, the first anniversary of the implementation of Charity Law, China Charity Alliance has invited dozens of industry leaders to interpret the changes and influences that the Charity Law has brought to the industry and society over the past year, and contribute ideas and exert efforts for the future development of philanthropy. 

Niu Gensheng, Vice Chairman of China Charity Alliance, Founder and Honorary President of Lao Niu Foundation 

This year, Charity Law is the flag. A large number of people look at it and talk about it. It is not an original point of charity in our country, but it is undoubtedly a high point of all people striving for the good. 

Charity Law is also a navigator. I remember when I started Lao Niu foundation in 2004, I had to “dig a door” because I had no place to donate my shares. But today, we have laws to abide by for almost all donations; in the past, most charities were "crossing the river by feeling the stones". Now, doing charity in accordance with laws is mostly “ferrying by following the route”.  I believe that under the guidance of the Charity Law, your public welfare colleagues will be proactive and innovative, and will create a new era of China's public welfare charity. 

Lei Yongsheng, Executive Director and Secretary General of Lao Niu Foundation

With the intensive release of a series of policies and regulations with Charity Law as the core, China's public welfare charity has entered a period of rapid development. Over the past year, philanthropic organizations have been making active efforts to make innovations in the modern philanthropic model; the positive guidance of the media and the understanding and participation of the public make the "charity ecosphere" develop more benign. As a practitioner of a family foundation, I have also witnessed the remarkable changes in venture philanthropy, charitable trust, large-sum donations and so on in public welfare charity sector. In this environment, family charity can also give full play to its advantages and better fulfill the mission of doing good turns with wealth and together with family members. If we can introduce the preferential tax policy that matches Charity Law as soon as possible, it will boost the substantial development of China's public welfare undertakings.