“Inheritance – Taiji Zen Culture Campus Tour” Takes You to a Different World of Traditional Culture

DATA:2017-11-29  Views:47

        11-29-2017  Lao Niu Foundation 

        Editor’s Note: Recently, Taiji Zen Cultural Popularization Project Campus Tour Activity went to Changchun No. 52 Middle School and Beijing Normal University Changchun Affiliated School  to bring teachers, students, and parents unique traditional culture experience. The activity led children to personally experience the beauty of diversified traditional cultures such as Taiji, Chinese medicine, calligraphy and painting, arousing enthusiastic response at school.

        Beijing Taijizen International , founded by Jack Ma and Jet Li. With the active support of Lao Niu Foundation, it carries out projects like Taiji Zen public welfare activities and health research to help more people understand Taiji Zen culture, recognize healthy and happy life philosophy, and feel and love life through from the balance of Taiji. From November 22 to November 23, “Taiji Zen culture Entering Campus” activity was held in Changchun, arousing enthusiastic response from teachers and students.


        “Inheritance – Taiji Zen Culture Campus Tour • Opening Ceremony of Changchun Municipal Sports Administration Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth and Sports Federation Supporting ‘Bud Program’ with ‘Taiji Youth Health Exercises’” (hereinafter referred to as “Tour”) ceremoniously opened, jointly organized by Beijing Taijizen International, Changchun Municipal Sports Administration Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth, and Changchun Sports Federation, sponsored by Lao Niu Foundation, undertaken by Changchun No. 52 Middle School and Beijing Normal University Changchun Affiliated School, and co-organized by Changchun Taijizen Health and Cultural Exchange Center.

        Thousands of students, teachers and parents from Changchun No. 52 Middle School and Beijing Normal University Changchun Affiliated School participated in this activity actively. Yang Yuchun (Lao Niu Foundation Project Officer), Wang Zhanhai (World Champion of Taijiquan, General Coach of Taiji Zen, and General Coach of Gongshoudao), Liu Zhiguo (Associate Chief Physician of Pneumology Department, Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences), Su Yulie (Global Surfing musician who used to be the youngest angel investor in China), Li Xiang (Gold Medal Coach in Nie Weiping Go Dojo), Wang Haomin (President of Changchun Taiji Zen Health and Culture Exchange Center), Ou Chu from Foshan Bosheng Wing Chun Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Yan Yuhua (Standing Director of Municipal Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth), Yin Weiping (Director of Municipal Sports Administration Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth), Li Zhijian (Deputy Director of Municipal Sports Administration, Counselor of Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth, Executive Chairman of Municipal Sports Federation), Huang Bei (Director of Physical Education & Hygiene Section of Municipal Education Bureau), Sun Shangbin (Director of Municipal Education Bureau Committee for the Wellbeing of the Youth), leaders of Jingyue Education Group and other guests attended the activity together, experiencing the charm of traditional culture together with children. 

        This activity included traditional cultures like Taiji, Chinese medicine, calligraphy, I-go, guqin, and metal painting, led students to experience the mysterious beauty of traditional culture; meanwhile, we hoped that our next generation would maintain the treasure of wisdom endowed by our ancestors and pass it on from generation to generation in today’s fast-paced study and life.

    (▲ Activity Highlights)

        ▼ In this activity, the first programme was a Taiji show full of Zen style, showing teachers and students flower arrangement, tea ceremony, incense burning, Taiji and other performances in ten minutes; it also briefed Taiji’s development history in performance. People were greatly attracted by this programme.

▼Sun Mingxue (Principal of the two schools, leader of Taijizen International, Director of Hi-Tech Zone Culture and Education Bureau) made the opening speech for this activity.


        ▼The highly anticipated “Bud Program” that helped solve the problem of unwatched students after school since “half past three” was officially announced to start at this time.

        ▼In the excitement of teachers and students, Ou Chu, the representative of previous Foshan Station of the “Tour”, took the exquisite mascot lion head to the stage and handed it to Wang Haomin, the representative of this station. They two wished this activity a smooth success.

        ▼ The activity entered the lecture part. Guest Liu Zhiguo explained “generation and restriction among five elements” to the teachers and students from the perspective of Taiji. Attendants were suddenly enlightened, and deepened understanding and attention to Taiji Zen culture. Liu Zhiguo also shared some life tips of Chinese medicine. Children all marveled that Chinese medicine was so fun! After the speech, Liu Zhiguo represented Guang’anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences to announce the paper publishing of Taijizen’s Impact on the Exercise Ability and Life Quality of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases together with the leadership of Taijizen International.

        ▼ Suddenly, elegant tweedle slowly appeared, and guest Su Yulie came onto the stage with Liuqin in his hand. He also showed guitar and ukulele and told children about his story of learning Liuqin since childhood, encouraging them to pursue their dreams with unremitting efforts.

        ▼ World Champion of Taijiquan, General Coach of Taiji Zen, and General Coach of Gongshoudao Wang Zhanhai interpreted the principles of yin and yang of Taiji with his movements completely showing the style of a great master; he also told the children: “to do anything, insistence and efforts will surely lead to success!” The children listened to the experience of Mr. Wang and were greatly excited and full of confidence!

        ▼ At the end of the ceremony, children from the schools brought vigorous performances which won the audiences’ unanimous praise.

        ▼ Li Xiang, “the most beautiful I-go teacher in Beijing”, held a go in her hand and showed children the charm of integrating Taiji and I-go. She also had interacts with 30 student on site and helped students experience the fun of I-go in the game.

        ▼ After the lecture and performances, the next was cultural tour. The Chinese civilization has a long history, and has left many bright fruits of wisdom all the time. How much do we, the Chinese descendants, know about our own culture? The “tour” took the forms of cultural display boards and school student representatives’ explanation to help students unveil the picture of history.

        ▼ After learning about the origin of Taiji culture, students would like to experience more traditional Chinese culture. The “tour” activity arranged experience classes of Taiji, calligraphy, I-go, guqin, and metal painting for students and parents, who experienced the charm of traditional culture under the leadership of professional teachers.

        The guests also went into the classes and interacted with the students on site; they also answered questions for them. Children were agile and lively, confident and generous. Beijing Taijizen International hoped that they would be motivational with grand dreams, and they would surely be nourished and grow into towering trees under the influence of traditional culture.

        The “tour” came to a successful close. The scene was both strong and soft, both tranquil and exciting, passing Taiji’s life wisdom of yin and yang balance to students. The inheritance of traditional culture is neither a sudden idea nor a one-time success. Taiji, as the “gem” of traditional Chinese culture, needs everyone’s faith and persistence in it. It is our sincere hope that more people will join in inheritance of traditional culture, and Taiji Zen Culture Campus Tour is a beginning and will always be on the way.